Do you ever strive to be in a consistent practice of doing something good for yourself, and then it just stops? Sometimes there are times for consistency, and times for spontaneity. Sometimes nobody how hard we try to hammer away at a practice, it just won’t flow. Sometimes there comes a time for something a little different for a little while.
These past couple months, my wellness journey didn’t quite go as planned. I was pretty sick for a whole week in May, and it took me a while to build up my strength and stamina. The past 3 weeks, I have been spending a lot of time working in my gardens. I hadn’t been doing regular exercises in from a program I’m enrolled in (My Peak Challenge). But, gardening itself provided some welcome movement, fresh air, and spiritual renewal. While it wasn’t exactly part of my wellness plan, I felt in the flow. By being in the flow, I improved the energy flow (feng shui) of my home. Now, I have continued my exercise regime this week. I also have renewed inspiration and gumption to work on my book. It feels wonderful to be in the flow, whether it’s digging up a new flower bed, lifting dumbbells, or settling down with a cup of coffee and my computer.
Also, speaking of flow. I had a wonderful day at Christy’s Crystals last Saturday! It was wonderful to connect with new people, and re-connect with some familiar faces as well. I am returning on July 17th.
Some people expressed interest in my Introduction to Shamanism course. So, I feel aligned with launching it soon-ish. If you may be interested, please let me know, as it will help me plan it! You can contact me at to express interest, and request more information.
Thank you for perusing my mindful moments!
I wish you the best in health and abundance.
Rev. Jessica
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