As a trained spiritual counselor, and seasoned psychic, Rev. Jessica works with Spirit (her spirit team, your spirit team, Angels, Ascended Masters, etc) to assist you in finding clarity, emotional balance, and inspiration.

Rev. Jessica’s readings often give insight into:
* a situation that one is working on,
* how the past comes to play in our present,
* things to strive for in the future,
* various ways one can consider healing or improving.  
* Some common subjects are career, spiritual calling, self love, and relationships.

How does an intuitive reading with Rev. Jessica work?

Blue Star Gaia LLC does readings over the phone. Rev. Jessica schedules a quiet time with a client. She sets up sacred space, and sets her intention to receive information for the recipient’s highest good. She may use tools, such as oracle cards or crystals, to channel some information. The client has opportunities to ask questions throughout the reading. Every session is unique.

When the call is over, Rev. Jessica sends a picture of the card layout (or other divination tools) to the client. A reading can take 30 to 45 minutes.

Prompt payment afterwards of $50 (through PayPal, Ko-Fi, or mail), is much appreciated.

Please contact rev. Jessica to schedule an intuitive reading.

Also, explore Rev. Jessica’s Link Tree, blog, subscribe to her newsletter, or visit her on Facebook!

Please note, an intuitive reading with Rev. Jessica does not replace assistance from a mental health professional or attorney. It is not her intent to give advice, and will not be held liable for the client’s life events after the reading.

About Tarot and Oracle Cards

Rev. Jessica began her psychic journey with Tarot Cards, in the late 1990’s. Tarot is a familiar word with a mysterious meaning.  What are Tarot cards (or oracle cards for that matter) and what can they tell you?

Tarot cards are a deck of cards with a system of symbols used for divination.  They contain a minor arcana that is similar to a standard deck of playing cards, with four suits.  The major arcana is well known for archetypal cards such as Death, the Lovers, Priestess, Sun, Temperance, and so on.  Each card has a meaning of it’s own. This general system is what marks the difference between Tarot cards and other oracle decks. Oracle decks are cards used in these same ways, but there are a plethora of different archetypal systems and themes.

A reading with Tarot cards, or other oracle decks, can tell you anything! The readings often give insight into a situation that one is working on, how the past comes to play, things to strive for in the future, and various ways one can consider healing or improving.  Some common subjects are career, spiritual calling, self love, and relationships.

There are many other forms of divination as well. A lot of them function similarly to reading cards. They serve as a connection or gateway for information from the divine.