Understanding our dreams is a powerful tool for healing and transformation.

They can tell us about:

  • Aspects of our present life that need attention or healing.
  • Past lives, and give us a look into the future.
  • We even temporarily leave our bodies and travel the world and universe.

By decoding our dreams, we can use the information to pursue healing of particular aspects of self, make wise decisions, and prepare for our futures. They help us to be response-able (rather than reactionary) to life.

Rev. Jessica has been interpreting since 2013. If you are interested in this service, please write down as much of your dream as you are able. Even the “small” details are important, including colors, shapes, size, numbers, direction (up, down, left, right), time (day, night, seasons), and feelings during and after the dream. After emailing it to her, it may take a day or more (depending on the length of the dream) to interpret.

She will email the interpretation back to you. Often there are multiple pages of information.

$30 heart contribution per dream

Please express queries and interest via email to rev.jessica@bluestargaia.com

What do some common themes mean? In a nutshell

  • Big feelings in the dream, and upon waking – Your spirit team is trying to draw your attention to something that urgently needs to be addressed. Also, we receive healing to the emotions we feel in the dream (such as fear, anger, sadness, etc).
  • You’re in a house that’s yours, but not familiar – You are in a place in life you’ve never been before.
  • Bathroom dreams – Needing to urinate represents release, and letting go. Bathrooms in general represent privacy.
  • Naked – Being naked in a dream can represent vulnerability, as well as sincerity, and having nothing to hide.
  • School – Our souls are on a quest for wisdom, and dreams about schools represent aspects of that quest. The level of the school represents the level of learning the soul is doing on a topic. Lower levels (such as preschool and kindergarten) can represent relearning, or going back to remembering basics.
  • Astral projection – In our sleep, our souls are really busy. Sometimes they leave the body, and travel to different places, and even different points in history. An astral projection dream often has vivid colors, and it feel like one was really there. We may even experience taste, smells, and touch. We also may notice we have control over the course of the dream.
  • Visitations – Sometimes our deceased loved ones visit us in dreams. And it feels very real. Perhaps we can hear their voice, smell their signature perfume, or simply feel their presence. Sometimes the person is can still be alive, but astral projecting. But there are dreams of loved ones that feel just like any other dream, and the deceased person may represent aspects of ourselves instead.

For more information about this service, please contact Rev. Jessica.

Also, explore Rev. Jessica’s blog, subscribe to her newsletter, or visit her on Facebook!

In the weekly BSG newsletter, Rev. Jessica shares a symbol, and its meaning.