Happy August, and blessed Lughanasadh! Lughnasadh is a Celtic holy time honoring the beginning of the harvest. It is a time in between summer’s growth, and autumn’s reaping. Astrologically we are between the summer solstice and fall equinox. Here in rural Minnesota, the corn and soy bean crops are nearing their brink of maturation, but it isn’t harvest time quite yet. The transition is visible in my yard as well, as the last of the mulberries on my tree ripen, the orange corn lilies (a type of day lily) bloom robustly, and the purple phlox lend the garden fluffy puffs of purple. They are accented with a final hurrah from my black eyed Susans. I feel these in between times are powerful for personal transformation. We are in a liminal state of progress after the planting, and still moving toward that which we will become. How do these in between times look for you, in your life? What seeds are growing in the gardens of your home? And the gardens of your soul? These are some things I am contemplating myself this Lughnasadh.

Are you interested in learning more about connecting with the natural world, and your personal seasons? This September and October I am presenting a virtual course to explore shamanism. We will look at what it means to be a shaman, the energetic workings of the Universe, the supernatural and metaphysical, connecting with our intuition, and tools assist you in walking through your life seasons in grace. There is more information here.

Lammas or Lughnasadh are a time of gratitude, for mamma earth and the nourishment she provides us. As always, I also extend my gratitude to you, dear reader. I sincerely hope this information has somehow been interesting or uplifting.

Bright blessings!
Rev. Jessica