Yesterday, I was guided to perform a healing ceremony for Gaia Mother Earth. I shared it here on YouTube.

Healing Ceremony For Gaia Mother Earth

Currently, there is a lot going on in the world. Each of you, gentle readers, are likely able to name several events that are tragic or disconcerting. My spirit team often reminds me that there is always more than meets the eye, energetically, karmicly, politically, and so on. I acknowledge that there are many things I do not, and can not, know.

Yesterday, spirit told me that Gaia Mother Earth as a whole needed energetic support. I approached this the way I would perform reiki for an individual person; through surrender and faith that all healing will go where it is needed for one’s highest good. I trusted that God/Goddess/The Divine would know where the energy should go, through which channels, and with the assistance of which beings. I set my intellect aside, and surrendered for spirit to use me as a channel for Gaia’s healing. As the ceremony proceeded, I was guided to share those things that I witnessed.

I believe that being an effective energy worker very much involves setting our own agendas aside. It also involves recognizing that the healing is between God/Goddess/The Divine and the recipient of the healing. Our role is to hold space and be a clear channel for this energy to come through. We don’t “use” the divine energy. The divine energy uses us.

Thank you, gentle reader, for doing your light work, both consciously and in dream time. I am finding that this is a very overwhelming time for many people. Fear, anger, and concern are literally in the air. It can feel particularly challenging for those who are very in tune to the emotions around them. To access my video about stress relief, please visit my virtual classes page. Other services that can energetically support you are distance Reiki, intuitive readings, and dream interpretation.

Bright Blessings,
Rev. Jessica