Hello gentle readers. I’ve been pondering how I haven’t done much with my blog over the past few months. I haven’t done much with self promotion or much of any “work” in general since November. Well, I have been working. But in a quiet sense that doesn’t really look like working. I’ve been meditating on how the western world values busy-ness and productivity. And also, I have been observing how processes like convalescence and respite are seen in a not so positive way. But the thing is, we need respite. We need moments to slow down, to “be” with ourselves, and to convalesce when our bodies and souls are out of whack.

I haven’t shared this with many people (until now), but my whole household was ill in early December. I was sicker than I had been in ages. For two whole months, I didn’t have it in me to do much housework, or cook, or walk into my favorite craft store. You know I’m unwell when I can’t go into my favorite craft store. I went through a phase of feeling frustrated with my body because I couldn’t do this or that (yes, even seasoned spiritual teachers have tough moments like this). It was a lesson in surrender for sure.

I deepened my gratitude for opportunities to play. I couldn’t wash dishes. But I could hold my knitting needles. I couldn’t always put away laundry. But I could hold a Nintendo controller. I learned not to hold myself in disdain for spending my time playing. It isn’t necessarily an “indulgence” to do things we enjoy. The things we enjoy bring value to our lives. Play in itself is medicine.

If there is one thing, gentle reader, that I would like for you to take away from this blog, it is this. We don’t need to be “productive” to have value in life. There is value in rest, play. They are medicine in and of themselves.

I am very grateful to be regaining my stamina. I don’t feel that I would be at this point if I hadn’t surrendered and “taken it easy.” I’m finding new joyful ways to do my work. I’m presenting regular pop-in classes online. So far we have explored The Dark Night of the Soul, and did A Crash Course on Herbal Remedies. I look forward to sharing tools for managing stress in the next class, Stress Relief: Riding the Tides of March in Grace. There is more information on my new virtual classes page.

Background Image by Geralt on Pixabay.com

If you enjoy these musings, and wish to support my work, I am now accepting love donations through www.ko-fi.com!