St. Patrick’s Day is upon us. It means a lot of different things to different people. Let’s explore its different facets, from a celebration of Irish heritage, to church propaganda, and to pagan perspective. Was St. Patrick historically really who he is touted to be? We will then re-frame St. Patrick’s Day as an opportunity for healing.

Class was originally recorded March 10, 2022.

Video is 21 minutes long.

Access it here in the ko-fi shop!

Photo by K Hebert Design

A Healing Ceremony Inspired By St. Patrick’s Day

Today, March 16th, Rev. Jessica facilitated a healing ceremony for those who see this time as an opportunity for healing ancestral and past life wounds. As spirit pointed out to her, all over the world for so many centuries, so many peoples have been subjected to forced acculturation. This persecution and repression has created wounds that have traveled through our ancestral DNA, and also followed us throughout incarnations.