Welcome to my mindful moments from September. The past few months have been a whirlwind of activity in my household. I haven’t been sitting down to write these mindful moments as frequently as I originally aspired to. And yet, here they are, available on my website in November.
A big part of my shaman training through Soulspeak Communications and also the Hope Interfaith Center Leadership Program, has been about response-ability. I know I talk a lot about it. But, I feel it is an important way of life. It’s about being mindful of our choices, our behaviors, and empowering ourselves to do the best we can with the resources available.
I have to admit, some days it is more challenging than others. Some days, I find myself slipping into old patterns, such as blaming others. And I guess that is human, to falter once in a while. Plus, it counts for something that I noticed this about myself.
And here’s a bit about blame. When we blame a person, or external force, we are handing our power away. And, when we blame, we often project some lower vibrational energies toward it. However, we can shift the way we look at challenging situations. I try to see it as “it is what it is.” I acknowledge the roles or contributions other people (and other outside forces) had in the situation, as well as my own. I note different choices I could have made in those instances, and set my intent to do better next time.
It’s like that one song… “No One is to Blame” by Howard Jones.
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Do you ever feel like you have a bazillion things on your to-do list, but you just need a day to chill? That was my day yesterday. It was the last day of summer break for my kids. So, we just watched tv. I got some good snuggles and knitted. And that’s ok. I appreciated the reminder from the Universe that we don’t necessarily have to be busy doing anything together in order to enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes just being in their presence has its own charm.
Pictured here is a cape I knitted for my nephew.
Don’t you love a good dream? Last night, I tried to have fun with my dream state. I set my intention to travel to the Orkney Isles at 3am of 9/12/2020. Well, I found myself in the Middle East instead. But, it was still an interesting dream.
At any rate, today, my mindful moment is about astral projection. Sometimes when we sleep, we leave our bodies and travel. Sometimes we meet up with other people and beings. People travel the universe, and to different times. Many of us do a lot of work in our sleep. When I helped to anchor the city of light in Mankato, and later the one in the Grand Tetons, I had lots of dreams that I was at those sites doing work with the energies.
Here are a few signs we’ve been astral traveling:
Wake up with the feeling we worked all night.
Feel super tired when we wake up.
We don’t quite feel like we’re back in or body.
It feels weird to walk, as if we’re “finding our land legs” so to speak.
Our dream was really vivid, as if we WERE there (because we were).
If you are interested in learning a little more about dreams, I have some information on my website. I also do dream interpretation for $20 a dream.
Picture by Darksouls1 on pixabay.com
Do you ever wonder WHY we like the things we are passionate and curious about? If you’re a history buff, why are some eras and locations more interesting than others? Why do some languages come easier to you than others? Why do some people “get” sci-fi fandoms and others not so much?I find, that people are often drawn to things that remind them of past lives. We are drawn to research the places and times where are souls have once tread. To re-learn the languages we once spoke. To boldly go where our soul has actually been before (even beyond our solar system). When we connect with these things, we re-connect with aspects of our souls.I am sure that I have lived many lives in the United Kingdom and Ireland. I also have ancestral connections there. But that’s a topic for another day. At any rate, I just love learning about the cultures there. This summer I’ve been exploring Scots Gaelic. I also have tried some Welsh cookery.
Here’s a picture of the bara brith (spotted bread) that I am enjoying tonight with a cup of tea, while I watch a new “Irish People Try…” video.
How do you pray? There are so many ways, that are unique to individuals and peoples. I generally define prayer as a conversation with God/higher powers/ascended masters/etc. The contents of our prayers are varied as well. I believe prayer can also overlap with meditation, which I personally define as receiving information and energies from the divine/our higher selves/great spirit/etc. There are many different manners of doing these. Some are done ritually, and/or ceremonially. Some are individual events, or performed in community. Some are done silently, in one’s mind, such as conversations with our spirit teams. Some are acted outwardly.
I was in conversation with my spirit team, and they guided me to pray rain for the American West. They directed me to send reiki to the region. Reiki is healing prayer. But, in addition to that, they reminded me of sympathetic magic. Anthropologists define magic as actions (such as prayer or ceremony) that one uses to create a specific thing to happen, supernaturally. In sympathetic magic, one acts our or uses their physical senses to show and be the change they are trying to achieve. When we pray rain, we aren’t just asking God to make it rain. We are taking a moment to feel and be it. So, my guides direct me, that when I run water to wash my hands, do dishes, water my plants, shower, etc., I can focus on the feel of the dropping water, and envision it as rain in the places that sorely need it.
Much gratitude to all the helpers <3
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Do you find that some days you just need more sleep than others? I’ve been having a few of those days. The thing with sleep, is even though we aren’t so busy outwardly, we are super busy inwardly. We sort out a lot of challenges and lessons in our dreams. Dream time is also very healing for us. This can look very different from dream to dream. One might on occasion dream about doctors, nurses, and other healers. They represent our healer within. And the context of these people, may show us areas where we are learning to heal ourselves and others. Hospitals indicate that we are in a place of healing. Nursing homes show that we are in a place of healing for a long time.
Some healing aspects of dreams aren’t always as straight forward. When we are receiving healing toward emotions, we might feel them very intensely in a dream. My favorite though, are the animal dreams. Each animal is a medicine of its own, including the animals that people find frightening or repulsive. When these animals bite or scratch us, it indicates that we are receiving their medicine. It doesn’t matter if it’s a venomous animal. And sometimes the experience may seem scary in the dream. And that’s okay. The dream is addressing our feelings towards that medicine.
If you are interested in having a dream interpreted, I have more information on my website!
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Have you ever felt that you knew what was best for you, only to find that the universe had something even better in store? I find that walking in faith in Divine Order, timing, and will, is an act of surrender. I bear in mind that my view of a situation is limited. There’s always more than meets the eye. And, the Universe is more expansive than we can fathom. Coming back to the prayer topic from Monday, we can practice this surrender in prayer. In many of my prayers, I add “for my highest good, and that of the Universe.” Or, one might add “this, or something better.”
When I do energy work, I ask great spirit to send the energy where it is needed, for the receivers highest good. I acknowledge that I cannot always know what is for someone’s highest good (including my own). And just because something appears to need healing, doesn’t mean that it is for that person’s highest good for me to address it in a particular time or way. I also like a prayer from Rev. Kari Chapman. “I ask that all energy work, in and through my body, be in alignment with the divine plan of God Creator, for the highest good of Earth, all species of life on Earth, and beyond.”
Image by LU-yang on pixabay.com
Sometimes when we think smooth sailing is ahead, life throws curveballs. I apologize I haven’t shared a mindful moment for quite a while. So, I’ll start this off again, by sharing one I wrote a few days ago, but never posted.
Do you feel more abundant when you are surrounded by pretty things? I sure do. Earlier this week, I wrote a bit about sympathetic magic, and creating change through physically representing it, and feeling the idea of it. When we have our personal symbols of abundance around us, and a grateful heart for the abundance already in our lives, it will help to attract more abundance our way. These symbols don’t necessarily need to be grand and beyond our budget. I feel abundant drinking my coffee from a fun mug. Or, when I go to bed to my Doctor Who themed bed set. Gazing at my blooming flowers helps me to feel abundant as well.
Here is a picture of my favorite coffee mug. It was a gift my favorite niece.
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head? Throughout my day, I feel spirit communicates with me in a variety of ways. One way that I am least likely to brush away, is through music. I often have one or more songs playing in my head at any given moment. I have learned that music is a language of the angels. When songs play in our heads, our spirit teams are trying to tell us something. In order to get the song out of my head, I find it useful to figure out the meaning behind it. I listen to it. And then I look at the lyrics and interpret the symbols the same way I would a dream or an oracle reading.
I’ve felt John Denver’s presence a lot the past month or so. He was so tenderhearted. The song “Rhymes and Reasons” has been playing in my head lately. This song deals with healing our fears, thawing our hearts, and finding better solutions to step into the future with grace.
Here are the lyrics:
“Rhymes And Reasons”
“So you speak to me of sadness and the coming of the winter,
The fear that is within you now that seems to never end,
and the dreams that have escaped you and the hope that you’ve forgotten,
and you tell me that you need me now and you want to be my friend,
and you wonder where we’re going, where’s the rhyme and where’s the reason?
And it’s you cannot accept: it is here we must begin to seek the wisdom of the children
and the graceful way of flowers in the wind.
For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers,
their laughter and their loveliness would clear a cloudy day.
Like the music of the mountains and the colors of the rainbow,
they’re a promise of the future and a blessing for today.
Though the cities start to crumble and the towers fall around us,
the sun is slowly fading and it’s colder than the sea.
It is written: From the desert to the mountains they shall lead us,
by the hand and by the heart, they will comfort you and me.
In their innocence and trusting they will teach us to be free.
For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers,
their laughter and their loveliness would clear a cloudy day.
And the song that I am singing is a prayer to non-believers,
come and stand beside us we can find a better way.”
Image by skeeze on Pixabay.com
Do you bless beings you encounter? Like dead animals along the road, or drivers encountering troubles? Yesterday, I kept blessing things that I thought were dead animals on the road, only to find that they were bits of garbage. I felt fooled. But, my guides assured me, that blessings are never waisted. By blessing the garbage, I was putting energy into resolving it’s presence on the road. Sometimes we might bless people who turn out to be, well, not very heart centered. Oh well. It isn’t up to us to judge who deserves or doesn’t deserve love and light.
On a different note, my guides say that when we give blessings, we acknowledge that divine spark in them, that is present in all things.
Blessings of health and abundance to all!
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Have you ever studied another language? Or a topic that uses a lot of jargon (specialized words) that one doesn’t usually come across in casual conversation? Lately I’ve been really sucked into the app Duolingo. And as I trudged along with Scots Gaelic, it occurred to me that modern spirituality can be kind of jargon-y for newcomers. I also note how I myself, have a tendency to assume that everyone is on the same page with it. Well, I will do my best to be more mindful of who my audience is in my communication. I recognize that everyone shows up where they are at, with varied amounts of familiarity with different spiritual topics.
I am also starting a little dictionary of spiritual jargon that I hope to post to my website some day. It will include words such as:
Oversoul and Higher self
And that is about a third of my list so far. I will share it when it goes live on my website! BlueStarGaia.com
What are some words that spiritual people use, that you would like defined?
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Do you ever read a book, cover to cover, even though you feel less than enchanted with it? I’m reading a book, with a spiritual topic, and I feel less enchanted with it. I could write a short story on the things that “rub me wrong” about it. But, this is guiding me to look inward. Books aren’t always meant to be cushy and comforting. I found myself checking in with my own ego, after thinking the author seemed a little full of herself. Reading this book is showing me that I seem to know more about the topic than I gave myself credit for. Plus, the book is giving me the language for some of that information. My guides also point out that the book is directing my awareness to certain directions, and helping me to be more mindful. As much as I would love for more practical information on what to do about some of these things, my guides assure me that this is a good first step. Perhaps it is leading to some personal exercises to work more closely in listening to my spirit team for this information I seek. The final lesson I’m reflecting on, is the importance of surrender. I hit the book with the intention to glean a narrow set of information. Some books on spiritual topics are holographic, and best taken in as a whole, rather than in parcels.
So, as I continue to read the last few chapters of the book, I will be approaching it a bit differently. Hopefully I’ll appreciate it better, and absorb more. And not just this book, but for future books I will read.
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Thank you for reading this far! I firmly believe in preaching what I practice, and teaching by example. I sincerely hope that these mindful moments are of help to someone. Perhaps within another month I will post my mindful moments from October 😉
I wish you all the best in health and abundance!
Rev. Jessica