Welcome to this last week’s mindful moments. They are sparse this time. The explanation is in the moments themselves.
August 5
The other day, I sat down to write my mindful moment, and my computer self destructed. I am bummed. I feel lost without my tool. I am grateful for my phone. And that I have some options to make due until I replace my computer. I also see this as an opportunity to reassess my technology needs, and maybe find something better. It is also a trust exercise, that as I honor guidance from my spirit guides with action, my needs will be met, in the best way possible.
As upsetting and chaotic as these moments are, they can sometimes nudge nudge one to expand in ways they weren’t originally considering.
Enjoy this picture from my camera roll.
To explore my last weeks mindful moments, check out my blog!
August 6
It’s alive! My big exciting thing about today, is my husband was able to reset/resurrect my computer, and it works for now. It is amazing how little settings here or there can make or break the feel of a computer. While it’s nice to be able to use my computer again, I feel like it just isn’t the same as it was before the Operating System malfunctioned. But, as with anything, the only thing constant is change. Everything has a vibration. To use my computer as an analogy, the various speeds of the cursor have different vibrations. The various text size settings have different vibrations, and screen resolution, and so on. It all contributes to an energetic feeling I get from my computer. When one thing is changed, so does the feel of the energy. Sometimes with a person, or place, we sometimes find that one day, they don’t quite “feel” the same. We can’t always put out finger on what’s different. But something has changed. We can find grace in accepting that this change is nothing personal. It just is the way of the Universe, and it’s cycles and evolution. Perhaps this can be a nudge that it is time to move onto something that resonates better. Perhaps this computer doesn’t serve my highest good. But, I am grateful the fix (which is probably temporary), is buying me time to find me the one that will serve my highest good. And I am grateful I don’t have to type all of this out on my phone lol.
Image courtesy of FreePics4U on Pixabay.com
August 9
This has been a very busy weekend. I thought I would share a quick mindful moment from Friday. Sometimes, we can find things interesting and intriguing, even though we don’t condone them. Sometimes in exploring these things (such as war, racism, etc) we can build a deeper understanding, and better be able to promote what we do support (peace, equality, etc). Also, as we encounter symbols or tools of those old repressive systems, we have opportunities to bless them, to assist in the highest good of our planet.
Image by _Alicja_ on Pixabay.com
Thank you for perusing my mindful moments. Catch them as I post them on Facebook or Instagram!
I welcome you to explore the rest of my site as well. The new moon will be Tuesday of next week, the 18th. I am scheduling moon reiki!
Namaste <3