Namaste! Welcome to this compilation of last week’s mindful moments!
July 27
Do you ever find that you have insufficient pockets for the crystals and such that you like to carry on your person? Today, I fixed one of my sewing machines, and my test project was a shaman pouch. A shaman pouch is a bag (mine is small) that one can carry intentional items in. I use mine for protective items in particular. I designed it so I can pin it inside my clothing. The opening is small enough that I can put my desired items in, without them falling out easily. It can hold protective crystals, herbs, pendants, etc. (my website has more information: )
If you would like to explore my past mindful moments, here’s my blog:
My pouch is pictured here.
July 28
Do you have deep thoughts in the shower? The element of water can boost our intuition, and facilitate communication with our own souls. I was reflecting on how some things are difficult to teach. How can you teach somehow how to not take things personally, and to stop placing blame? How can you teach someone not to compete with other people? How do you teach someone to be compassionate, generous, tolerant, charitable, and merciful, but in a balanced manner? The list goes on.
My spirit team told me, that I already am teaching these things. By bringing these ideas to people’s consciousness. By holding space for them to practice these things the hard way. And they told me I teach these things by modeling these difficult concepts myself. I continuously go deeper and deeper into them myself.
Picture by Projekt_Kaffeebart on
July 29
This summer, I had the luxury of planting some petunias and geraniums. A squirrel ravaged almost half of them. I was kind of angry at the squirrel. Then I learned squirrels don’t like pepper 😉 At any rate, this evening I was really excited to see the squirrel hasn’t completely destroyed them yet. One of them is blooming! I felt it represented grace amidst adversity. For me, that’s a big function of spirituality. It provides tools, and mindsets, to be able to respond (sometimes with pepper) to life’s troubles. It helps us get through challenges with a soft heart, and new wisdom.
Here is my poor petunia.
July 31
Have you ever strayed from a craft pattern, or baking recipe? Did it result in something different than you intended? Yesterday, I did some sewing. I had a pattern at hand. And I had an idea from a different pattern in mind. The end product was sufficient to suffice, but not quite what I had planned.
Sometimes spirituality is like that too. We have protocols that help us connect with beings of love and light for our highest good. They help to keep us safe. And they help us to discern energy and information that is coming through. For many people, that’s what religion is. But in it’s beginnings, religion served as a road map for individuals (who didn’t identify themselves as shamans) to establish a personal connection with God/Goddess/Spirit/etc.
I do recognize that heavy dogma does not serve our highest good. It can be too rigid, and undermines the purpose religion served in it’s pure beginnings. Ideally, protocol gives us parameters to work within (for our highest good), and tools to further explore our spiritual wisdom and connections.
My point, is sometimes we need to get good at the instructions on hand, to make wiser alterations in the future.
Image by Pete Linforth from
August 1
It’s getting late, and I should be sleeping. But I had to share my mindful moment today. Do you love synchronicities? Have you ever seen an extraterrestrial space ship? Well, today I picked up some special crystals for a ceremony I am participating in later this month. We will be working with a variety of beings, including the elementals, angelic realm, great white brotherhood, and star beings. Driving home from a busy day of shopping and errands, I saw these saucer shaped clouds. Many people believe that some star beings disguise or hide their ships in clouds. At any rate, I felt honored to spot this fleet. And I feel that it was connected with my work today towards the upcoming ceremony. Perhaps it’s validation that I am in the flow of the upcoming energy work.
Here is one of the pictures I snapped.
August 2
Are there things that you do daily, or regularly? Some things are just necessary tasks around the house or for work. Some times they can be for pleasure. These are rituals. Rituals are actions we do on a regular basis. It can be as magical as a morning cup of coffee, or as mundane as starting up the work computer. Some people use the words “ritual” and “ceremony” interchangeably. But I see this through the lens of my anthropology studies. Ceremony may contain rituals. For example, people often have a specific way or protocol for setting up their sacred space. Ceremonies can be rituals themselves, if they are performed regularly at certain times, such as full moon rituals. But I would define a ceremony as a conscious, intentional, deliberate event, which marks or brings about some form of transformation. It is performed in it’s own pocket of space, time, and energy. For example, one might perform a full moon ritual to honor and harness the fullness of the moon, its energies, and deities that one associates with it. A healing ceremony strives to bring about a transformation of ill health to well being.
Why is this distinction important to me? That is something I am pondering myself, as I post my ritualistic (but unceremonious) mindful moment today.
Image by dobrevune on
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