Lately I’ve been reflecting on integrity, and what it looks like for a spiritual practitioner to walk in integrity. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “the quality of being honest and fair” or “the state of being complete or whole.” I see that a lot of people in the spiritual community have different ideas on what is fair, honest, and ethical. And their practice of these standards may vary from situation to situation. So, I feel guided to share my own thoughts on integrity, over a series of blog posts.

In a nutshell, here are my standards for integrity:
1. Honor free will, and consent
2. Confidentiality
3. Keep promises
4. Fair energetic reciprocity
5. Teachable
6. Consistent heart centered living, and respect
7. Behave in accord to one’s teachings

I admit some of these things are tricky sometimes. But I really strive to practice these consciously, intentionally, and deliberately. Without excuses. Because it is JUST. Because it is KIND. And because it also serves myself in regards to karma, soul contracts, energetic debts, and the law of our physical world (particularly Minnesota).

I just can’t wait to launch into the first one. My belief, is that everyone in this world is gifted with free will. Each individual chooses at the soul level, and also at the physical level, how to use this free will. Spiritually, I believe it is really important not to infringe on another’s free will. Even with the best intentions. I don’t agree with casting spells on people. Especially curses and binding spells. I don’t agree with sending a person healing unless they explicitly consent to it. Before intentionally entering another’s energy field and manipulating energy, I believe one must knock first, and step gently and respectfully. What I am trying to convey, is not to use one’s spiritual gifts on a person unless they are okay with it. Be it physical touch, or energetic touch, I always ask first.

Aside from free will, when we meddle with another person’s energy, it can have repercussions. Sometimes we just don’t know what is really for an individual’s highest good. If someone is going through a difficult time, their souls might be learning a lot and burning some karmic lessons. If we do energy work to bail them out of it, that lesson could come back to them in another form, and there they go again. Perhaps a person is not behaving ethically. That individual’s soul may be learning some lessons, or their victims might be burning some karmic lessons. Also, it could be their prodding to learn new tools to uplift themselves.

So, what can one do then? One can simply set their intent to send someone “love and light for their highest good.” One can send healing to a person’s physical location, with the intent that those who need it for their highest good will receive it. One can use spiritual protection of self and home if they feel threatened. Also, perhaps instead of turning to the metaphysical, one needs to use their words and actions to uphold boundaries. Boundaries are very important. As is justice. It’s just important to go through the proper channels, such as the police and justice systems (vs. being a vigilante). One can also lend a helping hand, a supportive ear, and words of encouragement, to their loved ones experiencing unfortunate situations. One can also look inwards to pinpoint their own need for healing, or help with triggered emotions.

Thank you for taking the time to join me in my contemplations and musings. I understand that there are people who will disagree with me, and possibly get offended. And it is okay for them to disagree (just don’t send healing and spells my way). It’s not my intent to offend. It’s my intent to inspire ethical mindfulness in spiritual practice.